Thursday, March 18, 2010

Adding Zend PHTML extension in Dreamweaver

If you’re using the Zend Framework and Dreamweaver, you’ve probably noticed you can’t open PHTML files in Dreamweaver. Here’s how to add it. You’ll need to modify three separate files:
  1. Open Documents and Settings > [user] > Application Data > Adobe Dreamweaver > en_US>Configuration > extensions.txt. Keep in mind this is for Windows XP and the file may be located elsewhere for other OS’s.Add PHTML to the first line of this file as shown circled below:
    and add it again to the PHP line as shown circled below:

  2. We’re going to do this again but in another location. Open Program Files > Adobe > Dreamweaver [Your Version] > configuration > Extensions.txt and repeat step 1 above.
  3. Open Program Files > Adobe > Dreamweaver [Your Version] > configuration > DocumentTypes > MMDocumentTypes.xml. In the middle of the file there will be a section for PHP_MySQL. You will add PHTMLto it twice as shown circled below:
    Restart Dreamweaver and you should now be able to open PHTML files with normal PHP syntax highlighting.

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