Monday, February 28, 2011

Places menu starts Rhythmbox 0.11.6, doesn't open folder

Simple workaround

Right click -> Open with -> custom command -> nautilus

repeat for all folders

now should open folders from Places in Nautilus

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to install flash debugger

උබුන්ටු වලදි  firefox වලට flashfirebug install කරාට පස්සෙ එක වැඩ කරන්න flash debugger එක ඉල්ලනවා. flash debugger eka install කර ගන්නෙ මෙහෙමයි.

Step by step:
  1. uninstall any kind of flash plug you have at the moment, make sure it's gone. (this was my problem, probably had the real 64 bit plug installed and there were multiple spread all over the place. Make sure you clean out any flash plugin related files from your system)
    search for installed flashplugin packages:
    aptitude search flash
    p   flashblock                                                - mozilla extension that replaces flash elements with a button        
    i A flashplugin-installer                                     - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer                                 
    i   flashplugin-nonfree                                       - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package)          
    p   flashrom                                                  - Universal BIOS/ROM/flash programming utility                        
    p   flashybrid                                                - automates use of a flash disk as the root filesystem                
    p   libroxen-flash2                                           - Flash2 module for the Roxen Challenger web server                   
    p   m16c-flash                                                - Flash programmer for Renesas M16C and R8C microcontrollers          
    p   vrflash                                                   - tool to flash kernels and romdisks to Agenda VR
    you will get a list of packages with flash in the package name, remove them from your system.(flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-installer) using the command: sudo apt-get purge [PACKAGE NAME], e.g. sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree
    I always do sudo apt-get autoremove after purge, to get rid of remaining junk, not sure if it's important, but it feels good
  2. install the flash plugin using the command: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
  3. download the debug player from Adobe:
    if they moved the file google for: flash debug player linux
  4. replace the installed shared object file /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ with the one you downloaded.