Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Use different PHP version CLI executable for one command

Maybe you can try to fix the environnement!
$ php -v
PHP 5.4.x (cli) ...
$ set PATH="/usr/lib64/php5.6/bin:$PATH"
$ php -v
PHP 5.6.x (cli) ...
Or, if you don't want to modify the PATH for your shell session, you can scope the change for the current command only:
$ php -v
PHP 5.4.x (cli) ...
$ env PATH="/usr/lib64/php5.6/bin:$PATH" php -v
PHP 5.6.x (cli) ...
$ php -v
PHP 5.4.x (cli) ...
If you can't change path then you can execute command as follows,(Eg: php -v)
First you want to know php-cli path
$ /php-cli-path -v

/usr/local/php70/bin/php-cli -v


rsync - how to suppress "skipping non-regular file" messages:-

Three basic behaviors are possible when  rsync  encounters  a  symbolic
       link in the source directory.

       By  default,  symbolic  links  are  not  transferred at all.  A message
       "skipping non-regular" file is emitted for any symlinks that exist.

       If --links is specified, then symlinks are recreated with the same tar-
       get on the destination.  Note that --archive implies --links.

       If  --copy-links is specified, then symlinks are "collapsed" by copying
       their referent, rather than the symlink.

       Rsync can also distinguish "safe"  and  "unsafe"  symbolic  links.   An
       example  where  this  might be used is a web site mirror that wishes to
       ensure that the rsync module that is copied does not  include  symbolic
       links  to  /etc/passwd  in  the  public  section  of  the  site.  Using
       --copy-unsafe-links will cause any links to be copied as the file  they
       point  to  on  the  destination.   Using --safe-links will cause unsafe
       links to be omitted altogether.  (Note that you  must  specify  --links
       for --safe-links to have any effect.)

       Symbolic  links  are  considered  unsafe  if they are absolute symlinks
       (start with /), empty, or if they contain  enough  ".."  components  to
       ascend from the directory being copied.

       Here's  a summary of how the symlink options are interpreted.  The list
       is in order of precedence, so if your combination of options isn't men-
       tioned, use the first line that is a complete subset of your options:

              Turn all symlinks into normal files (leaving no symlinks for any
              other options to affect).

       --links --copy-unsafe-links
              Turn all unsafe symlinks into files and duplicate all safe  sym-

              Turn  all unsafe symlinks into files, noisily skip all safe sym-

       --links --safe-links
              Duplicate safe symlinks and skip unsafe ones.

              Duplicate all symlinks.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

How to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file in linux?

Type man tar for more information, but this command should do the trick:
tar -xvzf community_images.tar.gz
To explain a little further, tar collected all the files into one package, community_images.tar. The gzip program applied compression, hence the gz extension. So the command does a couple things.
  • f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.
  • z: tells tar to decompress the archive using gzip
  • x: tar can collect files or extract them. x does the latter.
  • v: makes tar talk a lot. Verbose output shows you all the files being extracted.

Copying Files Over SSH

Secure copy is a really useful command, and it’s really easy to use. The basic format of the command is as follows:
scp [options] original_file destination_file
The biggest kicker is how to format the remote part. When you address a remote file, you need to do it in the following manner:
The server can be a URL or an IP address. This is followed by a colon, then the path to the file or folder in question. Let’s look at an example.
scp –P 40050 Desktop/url.txt yatri@
This command features the [-P] flag (note that it’s a capital P). This allows me to specify a port number instead of the default 22. This is necessary for me because of the way I’ve configured my system.

Friday, June 10, 2016

How to create an SSH shortcut

If you are constantly needing to SSH into multiple servers, it can real daunting to remember all the different usernames, hostnames, IP addresses, and even sometimes custom private keys to connect to them. It’s actually extremely easy to create command line shortcuts to solve this problem. There’s two major ways to do it, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each.
SSH on *NIX machines, such as Linux or Mac, have default shortcut functionality right out of the box. It’s very straight forward to setup, too. For those two reasons, this is my preferred way of setting up SSH shortcuts. The first step is to navigate to your .ssh folder:

cd ~/.ssh

Following this, you’ll need to create a file calledconfig. Here’s how to do it with Vim:

vim config

From here, you can now create shortcuts. You can specify the hostname, username, port, and the private key. For a full list of options, please visit the official docs. Here’s an example of how to structure the file:

Host scotch
    HostName scotch.io
    User nick
Host example2
    HostName example.com
    User root
Host example3
    User userxyz123
    Port 56000
Host amazon1
    HostName ec2.amazon.com
    User ec2-user
    IdentityFile /path/to/special/privatekey/amazon.pem

Now, you can simply SSH into any of these servers with these simple commands:

ssh scotch
ssh example2
ssh example3
ssh amazon1

If this isn't working for you, trying changing the permissions of the config file like this:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

#Method 2: Create aliases for your shell

This method involves creating an alias for your shell (or terminal). You can use this for creating any type of shortcut you want, but a lot of people use them for SSH shortcuts. To set this up, you'll need to navigate to your.bash_aliases file (or some people do this in .bashrcor .bash_profile). The following command will create the .bash_aliases file if it doesn't exist or just edit it if it already does using Vim.

vim ~/.bash_aliases

Here you can add as many shortcuts as you want. Here's how to add the same SSH shortcuts from above:

alias scotch='ssh nick@scotch.io'
alias example2='ssh root@example.com'
alias example3='ssh userxyz123@ -p 56000'
alias amazon1='ssh ec2-user@ec2.amazon.com -i /path/to/special/privatekey/amazon.pem'

After you add those and save the file, you'll need to "reboot" the aliases file with:

source ~/.bash_aliases

Once that is completed, you can now SSH into all of those same boxes by just typing the following:


This method provides additional flexibility that the first method might not be able to provide, but it really comes down to a matter of preference for most use cases.

How to create an SSH shortcut

If you are constantly needing to SSH into multiple servers, it can real daunting to remember all the different usernames, hostnames, IP addresses, and even sometimes custom private keys to connect to them. It’s actually extremely easy to create command line shortcuts to solve this problem. There’s two major ways to do it, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each.
SSH on *NIX machines, such as Linux or Mac, have default shortcut functionality right out of the box. It’s very straight forward to setup, too. For those two reasons, this is my preferred way of setting up SSH shortcuts. The first step is to navigate to your .ssh folder:

cd ~/.ssh

Following this, you’ll need to create a file calledconfig. Here’s how to do it with Vim:

vim config

From here, you can now create shortcuts. You can specify the hostname, username, port, and the private key. For a full list of options, please visit the official docs. Here’s an example of how to structure the file:

Host scotch
    HostName scotch.io
    User nick
Host example2
    HostName example.com
    User root
Host example3
    User userxyz123
    Port 56000
Host amazon1
    HostName ec2.amazon.com
    User ec2-user
    IdentityFile /path/to/special/privatekey/amazon.pem

Now, you can simply SSH into any of these servers with these simple commands:

ssh scotch
ssh example2
ssh example3
ssh amazon1

If this isn't working for you, trying changing the permissions of the config file like this:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

#Method 2: Create aliases for your shell

This method involves creating an alias for your shell (or terminal). You can use this for creating any type of shortcut you want, but a lot of people use them for SSH shortcuts. To set this up, you'll need to navigate to your.bash_aliases file (or some people do this in .bashrcor .bash_profile). The following command will create the .bash_aliases file if it doesn't exist or just edit it if it already does using Vim.

vim ~/.bash_aliases

Here you can add as many shortcuts as you want. Here's how to add the same SSH shortcuts from above:

alias scotch='ssh nick@scotch.io'
alias example2='ssh root@example.com'
alias example3='ssh userxyz123@ -p 56000'
alias amazon1='ssh ec2-user@ec2.amazon.com -i /path/to/special/privatekey/amazon.pem'

After you add those and save the file, you'll need to "reboot" the aliases file with:

source ~/.bash_aliases

Once that is completed, you can now SSH into all of those same boxes by just typing the following:


This method provides additional flexibility that the first method might not be able to provide, but it really comes down to a matter of preference for most use cases.