Friday, November 30, 2012

50 Extremely Useful PHP Tools

 50 Extremely Useful PHP Tools posted at Smashing Magazine

By Jacob Gube
PHP is one of the most widely used open-source server-side scripting languages that exist today. With over 20 million indexed domains using PHP, including major websites like Facebook, Digg and WordPress, there are good reasons why many Web developers prefer it to other server-side scripting languages, such as Python and Ruby.
PHP is faster (updated), and it is the most used scripting language in practice; it has detailed documentation, a huge community, numerous ready-to-use scripts and well-supported frameworks; and most importantly, it’s much easier to get started with PHP than with other scripting languages (Python, for example). That’s why it makes perfect sense to provide the huge community of PHP developers with an overview of useful tools and resources that can make their development process easier and more effective.
This post presents 50 useful PHP tools that can significantly improve your programming workflow. Among other things, you’ll find a plethora of libraries and classes that aid in debugging, testing, profiling and code-authoring in PHP.

Details of Jomres ( joomla hotel reservation component )

If you want to view or custermise booking data, you can edit jomeres/core-minicomponents/j03020insertbooking.class.php file.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Authenticating Customer Outside Magento

* Magento validation starts here
require_once (dirname(dirname(realpath(__FILE__))).'/app/Mage.php');
//Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend'));
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
//Load the customer modules
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')
//Get customer attribbutes
* Do the stuff you need to when user authenticates
}catch (Exception $e){
$key ="authenticate=N";

Friday, November 9, 2012

How to access Magento user's session from outside Magento?

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/app/Mage.php';
umask(0) ;
$_SESSION['wz']['customer_id']    =    null;

// Checking for customer session
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend') );
$session=Mage::getSingleton('customer/session', array('name'=>'frontend') );

$customer_data = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');

if ($session->isLoggedIn()) {
    //echo "Customer is logged in";
    $_SESSION['wz']['customer_id'] = $session->getId();
} else {
    //echo "Customer is NOT logged in ";
    header("Location: error.php?mode=unk_user");

Unable to login into the Magento backend

When you migrate your Magento website from location to another, or you change the domain-name under which it is running, you might run into the problem that you can't login anymore to the Magento Admin Panel. Here are various solutions to this problem.


One reason why the Magento login fails, might be that you're accessing the Magento website through the hostnamelocalhost. Magento checks whether the hostname is a real domainname, and if it isn't, it fails to create the right cookies.
The only workaround is to fool Magento into thinking a real domainname is used. Under Linux or MacOS you could try using localhost.localdomain, but under Windows you will need to modify your hosts-file for this. Easier is just to use the IP-address to access Magento.
If you are using a remote webserver, it's unlikely that this problem occurs.

Cookie domain

Another reason why you fail to login, could be some setting within the Magento configuration. To alter this, you will need to open up the MySQL database - for instance by using phpMyAdmin. Navigate within your Magento database to the MySQL table core_config_data and look for a row with the field path set to the value web/cookie/cookie_domain. There might be multiple entries, but the one with the scope_id set to 0 should be matching the domainname you're using to access Magento.
If the database table core_config_data doesn't contain any row with path set to web/cookie/cookie_domain, don't add it because you don't need it. If you find multiple entries, be careful with what to change because you might break your Magento site completely.
If you use a database table prefix, the table core_config_data might actually be uii44_core_config_data or something alike. This makes it harder for hacker to attack your Magento site (SQL injection attacks).

Secure or unsecure URLs

Another problem could be that the so-called Secure URLs and/or Unsecure URLs do not match the current hostname. In this circumstance, Magento tries to redirect to the original hostname anyway. So watch the hostname in the browsers addressbar closely.
In the same MySQL table core_config_data you might find various entries with path starting with web/secure/base orweb/unsecure/base. These also need to point to the right hostname. Note that the number of occurances could range from 0 (nothing configured) to 10 (everything configured).

Deleting and reconfiguring

Instead of trying to set the values above correctly, which could be a lot of work, you can also delete these entries and have a fresh start. You can use the following SQL-queries for this:
DELETE * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` = "web/cookie/cookie_domain"
DELETE * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE "web/secure/base%"
DELETE * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE "web/unsecure/base%"

Check your file permissions

It's also worth taking a look at the permissions of your hosting environment. The folder var/cache within your Magento installation needs to be writable to the webserver, so new session-files can be created. If the folder is not writable, nobody is able to login.

Save sessions in the database

Instead of fixing the file permissions, you can also store the sessions in the database instead. You can accomplish this by editing the file app/etc/local.xml. Make sure you have a good backup of this file, and follow the exact syntax as below.
Locate the line starting with <session_save> and change the word files into db. So the following:
should become:
Save the file and sessions will be saved in the database instead. Please note that this change could have consequences regarding performance as well.